Human beings according to science are highly-intellectual or the first class animal in the animal kingdom. Humans have their own capacity to think and survived in their own ways.
From the day God created man, he has given man an authority to take good care of earth. God gives humans the ability to do things which they ought to do in a given situation. Man, has its brain to process information which they acquired from their environment. The man's capability to survive through life's struggles, the freedom to choose which is right and unrightful, the will to do things are only some capabilities of Human that God, the father has entrusted.
Society is universal among human. For ages, it has performed ,major adaptive functions that have increased the chances of human survival. Man are automatically belong into a society. It is a perception from birth. As society in which it is composed of heterogeneous men in nature. Social interaction, or the responses of individuals to each other, is perhaps the basic sociological concept, because such interaction is the elementary component of all relationships and groups that make up human society.
In human society, members are mutually interdependent to an extent not true to any nonhuman society. Every society is organized in such a way that there are rules of conducts, customs, traditions,folkways and mores and expectations that ensure appropriate behavior among members. This process inculcates into all humans or member in the early stages of life .These standards of behavior are never exactly the same from one society to another.
The existence of the organization in the society is constant. As the society develops in the new era under the information age, organizations play a vital role of human socialization. Socialization take part as the human's key to survival. Since each individuals possess power in an organization, such clash of human interest and ideas are unavoidable. In this information age, hence humans are the most important, potent and critical, resource of any organizations because of the following reasons:
1. Human provides new and up to date ideas. As technology changes humans find better alternatives to coup with the demand. Better and new ideas that will help to uplift the quality of life. In an organization, an idea of one person is different among the others. Which it may find difficult to handle when none of them accept defeat. That is why in an organization, Human resource personnel takes an action to lessen the possibility of conflict.
2. Human thinks with emotions. Unlike machine, human do things in accordance to their will and emotion. Humans have feelings -- sad, happy, hurt. While machines, are programmed to do specific tasks with accordance to its artificial intelligence. It is important to the Humans to consider their feelings. Some when strike with problems are even harder to be dealt because their emotions affect their actions. In an organization, when a personnel is discourage, he cannot work well. If he is inspired and praised, he do his job well.
3. Human beings has the capability to response. Human response to its environment. Since human has the ability to adapt to its environment, he can also reason out his will in relation to what he saw, feel and understand. For example, when you are hurt because of the bad accusations to your work or actions, you response with anxiety or sadness or maybe sometimes hate.
4. Human beings are competitive in nature. Individuals or group confine their conflict within agreed-upon rules. Therefore, competition within society forces man to think broad and better than his co-competitor. This is a world of race, the one of handles the information is more powerful. When you think better than the other, you acquire more advantage.
5. Human society will always have conflict. In cooperative interaction among human, people join forces to achieve a common goal. By contrast, people in conflict struggle with one another for some commonly prized object or value. In a conflict relationship, a person can gain only at someone else's expense. Conflict arises when people or group in an organization have incompatible values or when the rewards or resources available to a society or its member are limited. Thus, conflict always involves an attempt to gain or use power.
6. Human beings cooperates with each other. HUman act together to promote common interests or achieved shared goals. Teamwork is a simple example , exhibits how everyone cooperates for the interest of many.
7. Humans are vital player in this computer - generation. Without Humans, machines cannot do their work alone. Human beings still provides intelligence to machines. Though human use machines to acquire knowledge, still machine are useless without human because they are inter-dependent. In an organization, human possess different stimuli that could sometimes results to unavoidable scenarios like conflict and competition. Simply because humans think. It is a gift from God that is the most essential power of men to machine.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Human POWER!
Posted by frozen_flower at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
COMDDAP Experience
COMDDAP Davao 2009 is said to be the biggest I.T. expo held regularly in the South.
COMDDAP stand for Computer Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers association of the Philippines which was held during July 2-4, 2009.This event is held to Discover new technology and applications that will help increase productivity in different business. To meet up with top distributors and resellers of the world's leading brand names.To Gain market intelligence and be updated on the latest market trends.
as we enter Apo view hotel here in Davao city.. the ambiance was inviting. I, together with my classmate enter the said establishment to find out what COMDDAP has something to show us IT students. People passing by some were just passers who was curious with the event. But some had caught my attention. With tags wrote EXHIBITOR. I was amazed by them. Exhibitor of the COMDDAP exhibits are mostly IT professionals. Expert in a lot of aspects in IT. As we are about to tour the place, Students like me from different university and colleges here in Davao are everywhere in the corner of the room. Some student were testing gadgets, some gathered pamphlets and some were just simply stare and amazed. One thing has come up to my mind the moment i step closer to the first booth i surveyed - HIGH.
i was high because i was amazed. Amazed of the latest gadgets and technologies that help uplift the living of the people here in the Philippines. Beautiful laptops, notebook, plasma tvs and cameras were exhibit being proud of what Filipino products and International companies like HP has stored for us Techy guys and girls.i had Get up close and take a first-hand look at the latest I.T. products and software for computing, imaging, printing , connecting and communications, security, entertainment and lifestyle applications.

i was high because I've learned a lot. I'd learned that IT industry is expanding and growing. It provides a lot of careers and opportunity for those IT students who take his career as a serious thing to be appreciated. This world is fast pace. We need to go with the flow.
i was high because i was oriented. Oriented as i we joined many IT professionals and students in a close door product endorsement or exhibit with The Nexus Group and HP. The First presentation was about the Database System that The Nexus Group made. They present to us how was the database system is being done and implemented. They had also shared some important facts about how systems made are step by step procedures and make your client prioritized all the time. The second presentor was from HP. The HP representative has introduced us to their latest technology. The THIN CLIENT. The thin client was somewhat similar to the function of the CPU of the desktop but it has wonderful features that exceeds the capacity and features of a desktop system unit.
i was high because i loved being an IT student. It has made me realize that opportunities are like a passing wind. You h

i was high because COMDDAP had showed me professionalism. Many individuals are there to show support in the said the Bloomed industry today.
i was high because its fulfilling. The experience with my friends and classmate had allowed us to faced reality than just theory inside the classroom.
after the presentation of HP of The Thin Client, we decided to exit the room. All my friends were talking about the fun experience. Like me, they were also astounded by the once in a lifetime experience that COMDDAP has offered to us.
Being a student of USEP has given me an opportunity to explore everything behind classroom. Experience as a tool, it will help us mold into a person we want to be in future. time will tell with the Help of almighty God. Success is beyond reach!
Posted by frozen_flower at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
HRMO of city Government of Davao BEST HR PRACTICES
Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.(1)
We, the students of IT was given a task to find a company and conduct an interview to some of their employee about their HR. Finding a company or organization that can accommodate us in interview is quite difficult to find. It takes us two disregarded proposals and non-reply letters before we are finally approved and land to the HR department of city government of Davao.
Thinking of a organization that will suits to our needs of information for this post assignment has really challenge me to find an organization with a well-established HR Department. One of the best examples of it is the HRMO of city government of Davao.
The HR Department of city government of Davao has started their operation as a department starting 1996. But before 1996, HRMO of city government of Davao work as a division under the trust of the office of city mayor. The HRMO of city government of Davao are subdivided into four operating divisions: Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Personal Benefits and Welfare, Training, and the Poor Operating Division. The main goal of the HRMO of City government of Davao is to pursue Recruitment and selection, placement and promotion system with the help of their Enhanced Automated Program that leads to the creation of equal opportunities for employment.
As we started our interview, with the Acting-Head of the Training Division of HRMO – Mrs. Olegario, she has welcomed us with big smile and accommodated us well. As the interview keeps going, Mrs.Olegario identifies some of their best Practices in HR.
1. The Department values teamwork. They work as a team. They help each other in motivating each other to be productive in their work.
2. They offer such great rewards or compensation for deserving employees for job well-done. They treat them with extrinsic rewards like travel package in any tourist spot within the Philippines. For extrinsic rewards, like promotion (this is dealt under due process.)
3. Through the use of several personal Mechanisms, the HRMO Department uses it as motivators for their employees. Praises, Recognitions, incentives, and appreciation of Exemplary Performance are some of their recognition for outstanding employees.
4. Systematic Evaluation System. The HRMO of city government of Davao has created different kinds of system that helps develop functions of the Department Offices for Personnel Actions. Such of these are, Automated Performance Evaluation System and Human Resource Information System.
5. The HRMO resolve conflicts depending on situations. Conflicts or clash of attitudes in a department is unavoidable according to Mrs. Olegario. In an organization, there I is always conflicts. That is why, when conflicts arise, Mrs. Olegario enumerated some situation that may happen to both opposing parties:
a. Lose – Lose situation – in this situation, both two opposing parties are not okay with each other and the conflict is not resolve.
b. Lose – win situation – one party is okay with the situation, while the other one still don’t want to resolve problem or conflict.
c. Win – win situation – according to Mrs. Olegario, they always find ways to talk it over when conflicts arise. They want fair and unbias situation whenever they weigh which of the opposing parties have done wrong. In this situation, this is the best situation that they wanted to happen. They want the two opposing parties to be okay. Nobody’s fault. Peaceful negotiation is much better than any other methods of resolving conflicts.
6. Warm-welcome. One of the best thing I like the most in HR of city government of Davao is there warm-welcome to their guest and visitors. They welcomed us whole-heartedly from the time we send letter for interview till the interview date. The office is conducive for productive employee. The office is well-ventilated and each member is close with each other.
As the interview ended, we were lucky to witness the meeting of their staff in the office. The agenda was about their trip to Samal as their recreational activity for the Month of July.
The meeting was well-organized and does impose participation from the group.
As an evidence to the department’s greatness towards work, the Philippine Information Agency
has posted to their website ( ) an headline with a title “Davao City hailed for “best” HR practices” written by Arvin Yana. It was stated in the headline that the city government of Davao, has employed more than 9,000 Davaoeños, which is considered as one of the biggest local government units (LGUs) in the country. An event held at Grand Regal Hotel dated back Jan 6-7, 2005, shows that Around 30 HR managers from selected local and national government units nationwide were unanimous in praising Davao City’s personnel acquisition, development and maintenance practices as presented by its HRMO chief Marcelino Escalada Jr. at the Human Resource Development Symposium/Workshop .
“Davao City shows that HR offices can also be given equal importance with other departments, unlike most LGUs in the country,” said Eddie Maslog, chief of the Human Resource Management and Development Office (HRMDO) of the Provincial Government of Bohol. This has shows that Davao City’s HR department is considered best examples of how the city addresses the needs of the Davaoeños.
Other initiatives of the city government that the participants wanted to replicate were the setting up of a child-minding facility at City Hall which offers free custodial services to employees who need to take their children to work; the microcomputer-based Human Resource Information System (HRIS) which updates records of all plantilla and coterminous personnel; the character advocacy program which identifies good character traits to be exhibited by employees on a monthly basis; the 5-S program which promotes good housekeeping and systematic approach to work, and the attachment of the Public Employment Service Office of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which focuses on job generation, facilitation, enhancement, job preservation. This statement was according to the report of Mr. Arvin Yana.
The HRMO of city government of Davao as the working body of the city for employment and employee’s welfare will ensure to work towards productivity for the better living of the citizen of Davao City. With their best practices in HR, the department will stand firm and strong for the Davaoeños.
We would like to extend our warmest gratitude to the HRMO of City Government of Davao for giving us an opportunity to conduct an interview about this topic. God bless and More Power.
Posted by frozen_flower at 7:23 AM 0 comments