Sunday, December 6, 2009

My strategic plans to success

Think about yourself worthy to be called as IT professional, how you see yourself 10 years from now, what are your strategies to get there? At least 3000 words

IT profession is said to be a very broad profession that requires great deal of understanding of a different kind of language. A language common to all professional who chose to be a crackerjack in the world of Information Technology. Technological advancement of our society has demand opportunities to those indivuduals who chose to be nerdy good in different scope of today's information age. This scope involves cyberspace, systems, management information system, Human resource and programs. All has a main goal, that is to provide best quality of living for human kind. Though they said, common people knows how to use computer, what's the difference if your an IT professional?

When I chose to take the course BSIT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) I don't have any idea how its going to affect my life. They say when you take this course you'll be able to learn a lot about computers. I nodded without any wishful thinking. My friend and my computer teacher during high school, (a graduate of BSCS(BS in Computer Science) once said to me, " nobody understand how delicate IT profession is, unless you have experience it by yourself. They think, computers are useful only for fun and entertainment. They don't know how this machine has change them and how this affect us all."

It has made me stop and think for a moment. I nodded. She's right. And now after three years of my college life, I'm here answering this blog because I chose to continue my chosen career of being an IT professional someday.

After 10 years, im still human lol! Seriously, this question hit me. Who am i after 10 years? after graduating from college, whats next? Questions flooded my mind. Questions that are hard to answer. I've realized that what you do today can affect your future. That's why as early today, visualized things that you want to achieve in future. Formulate questions that may be your basis to step up on something. As for me, I'd ponder this following question all by myself(inner reflection scratch)

How to achieve your goals?
Can strategies help you to achieve it?
If strategies helps, what strategies do you do to achieve your goals?

This questions are common among us. We say goals are achievable if we make things work according to plan. All of us knows how to plan. Actually, daily routines are considered as a plan activity though we repeatedly do it. I also have plans. I said to myself, as early as today i most study hard to make my dreams possible! (etchusera! Razz ) Mostly, I planned to achieved my goals in the future. I want to be successful someday, get a suitable job or career, build my own house, spend unlimited shopping with my family and friends! lol! and a lot more.

Isn't it too much? for me, not at all. Its only a pinch of my dreams that i wanted to grasp with my own hands someday.

"Libre lang mangarap, mngarap k hanggang gising!" a line I've heard from the song popularized by Kamikazee. It says that all of us has a right to dream. Dream while your still alive. Dream to be successful someday. Dreams are hidden desire achievable only if we make things possible for it. Life is said to be full of dreams. This dreams are sets as goals so that we can do plans and set priorities so that we can achieve it.

As mentioned, in order to achieve our dreams we set goals. This goals are personal goals that we can only obtain it if we do strategies and steps to give ourselves best chances.

As i surf the net for best references for the response of this topic, google give me more than billions of results talking about how to achieve goals. I read some of it, they have same points that they want to emphasize to their readers. And as for me, i thought of something suitable for my profession. Again, i question myself, How can i be an effected IT professional someday? what are my strategies?

Listen all you folks, hear some of it: Wink

1. Set my personal goals - some thought of it as an easy thing to do. But not at all, even known professionals find it hard to set personal goals. Hehehe, so do i.. but if your determined to achieve your dreams someday be discipline enough from this day on. That's why i have to change my old bad habits Suspect (e.g facebook addict Cool tinamaan k noh?) I have also notice that I'm always late on my blog post here. xD i must prioritize those activity that concerns me academically. Second, make something enjoyable yet brain nuts activity to enhance my IT skills. study My brother always said that internet are more useful to those users who are eager to learn and discover new things. Lastly, time management. This is hard to change but as they say " TIYAGA AT SIPAG LANG ANG PUHUNAN ni Manny Villar" Laughing

2. I must create a goal high enough to ignite my spirit and inspire me to take action Idea " TO BE A DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR SOMEDAY" (idol ko c kuya ko xD kc mgaling xa jan) to make this possible, i must study hard today, learn different programming language and seek out tutorials at the internet. Ask help for difficult assignments and try to debug difficult programs (charot!) Am i sound impossible? not at all, if I'm only determine to learn and improve.

3. I must maintain at least one clear goal that concerns my entire role in my life. "BE USEFUL AND INSPIRED YOUR COLLEAGUES" Everyday, i wake up early in the morning late (is this inspiring?) but i must change for the better. " EARLY BIRDS CATCHES MORE WORMS". Each day, learn something new and useful. Learn to appreciate your craft. Be an inspiration to step up when everyone seems to give up. Difficult assignments, brain cracking exam, and stressful researches are normal to all students who strive to be best. If I can't experience burdensome and hardship, how am i able to learn? (reflect.. reflect...) so starting this day on! CHANGE is the key to personal enhancement.

4. REFLECT. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Never afraid to meet criticism.

a. Expect best from yourself. an Author once quote " Personal success is really nothing more than a strong moral compass, simple common sense and lots and lots of hard work" I can do better if i believe in myself. It is you who only know your self capacity. No one else, Right? And as for me, i know I can do better in my field. IT professionals are creative, innovative and has a high moral values. To fit in to this field, i must aim high and use my best guts! afro expect excellence!

b. Be obsess in the career you chose. Promotions are awarded to does individuals who strive best for their job. To greatly appreciate your chosen career, as early as now be obsess with it. Like a girl obsess with a chocolate bar. Be obsess how you want to learn and achieve beyond the common. Obsession isn't bad if it has benefited you good.

c. Stay Focus. in my age, i admit I'm not steadfast. I can't resist temptation. Temptations like online chat, games and unnecessary extra activities that can distract my focus in achieving my goals. Sometimes what is plan for a day are failed to achieve. My weakness is my addiction to online chatting. I'm making remedies to stop this now. Hopefully I can.

d. Set Priorities. Prioritize your goals. As much as possible, I'll prioritize my studies, my friends and my family. Graduating from college is a dream come true. It's a stepping stone to achieve your goals. I'm very lucky to be given with this opportunity of being educated in an institution known for its excellence in nurturing future IT innovators. My friends are good and my confider when I'm alone. They make me laugh when I'm about to cry. Thanks to them. My family who never cease to believe in my abilities. When all things failed, they are ready to listen when you mourn. They cheer you up when your about to give up. and most especially, financial support.

e. Never be discourage. According to Samuel Smiles "We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery." That's why i salute you all students(including me) who got failing grades because first blood (DOTA term) isn't that bad.. its a lesson we must learn to be strong and be brave to face whatever lies difficulties ahead. Learn from mistakes and start changing this weakness that made you stumble.

f. Put God as the center of your plan. I always believe in the power of our almighty God. Plans works more easily if we entrust it with our Almighty Father. With God nothing is impossible.

Moreover, let's talk about strategies. What's a strategy? Are strategies reliable?

In a game, strategies are use to have an advance or take an advantage to win the game. The players, use it to wisely analyze games and win it. But first, lets define strategies. According to Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Strategy is define as a components which include a long-range view, the preparation of resources, and planning for the use of those resources before, during, and after an action. Furthermore, strategy means the actions done to be prepared in your future goals whether its personal goals or corporate goals. Strategies are reliable depending upon the implementation and the dedication of the individuals towards the common goals.

As for me, i have discuss above the things i need to do to achieve my goals. It includes attitude and personal plans for me to become an IT professional. Now, I'll share to you my strategies to achieve my goals in the future.

1. Identify my main goal. What's my main goal? Ultimate goal? My ultimate goal is to graduate college and get a job that will suit to my career. As an IT professional someday, I must study my lessons to prepare myself in class discussion.

2. Keep an expectant mood and with an open mind. As what they say, dedication to work and plans is essential to achieve your goal. This will help me become more attentive and aware of ideas and opportunities that will come my way, and which will help me achieve my goal. Example, I may fail to past subject but keep the spirit up and don't let negative instinct come my way, this may cause disappointment.

3. Exercise your will power and self-discipline to keep your focus on the goal, and to stick to your resolve to succeed. Do not let anything distract you or make you deviate from your goal. This means that all of us may experience failure but above all keep yourself up. Discipline yourself and always think of the things that helps you not the one that distracts you.

4. Go on, even if there are obstacles on the way or you see no progress. Those who persevere succeed.

5. Silence is power. Do not talk too much on what you want to achieve. Concentrate on doing, not on talking. Too much talking with others about your desires and goals dissipate your inner powers. Learn to concentrate and channel your energy toward achieving your goal. Concentrate on how I must achieve my goals. Hopefully, I can overcome temptations.

As stated above, this strategies are very challenging to start. But how can I start? Can I persevere?

sunny In God's help, I know I can. With Him nothing's impossible. My desired career is very challenging. The broad idea of it is very difficult to achieve. But I've seen a lot of people who achieve it. They are my inspiration. I know I can. I will. queen